
Archive for November, 2012

Old Writings

How is it that something that came about by accident, without any application of fore planning, knowledge, intelligence or wisdom needs centuries of the application of human intelligence, wisdom and knowledge to be understood.

2. A sunset of molten gold, cool drizzle on the face, a flower blooming in the wilderness, a child’s innocent smile, a rainbow across the sky… so many wonderful events to which we are fortunate enough to receive an invitation.

3. Whatever you do there will be people who will object, deride or find fault, as long as your actions are ruled by your conscience don’t worry about them

4. Why can’t we enjoy moments just by themselves, moments suspended in time without past or future, why is every moment of beauty discoloured by fear of a future when it will not exist

5.Why do we think an inexhaustible Creation would limit itself only to elements we can see

6. Grievances are chains that shackle us to the past…only forgiveness can set us free… Forgive and move on, your future awaits..

7. If only men and women would celebrate each others presence in their lives each day we might have a happier world

8. Life usually writes more between the lines than on them and we are usually in too much of a hurry to read everything.

9. So you think you are generous? When did you last give someone the benefit of the doubt???

10. To be strong you have to know and master all your weaknesses

11. How sweet and simple would life be if only it wasn’t so complicated

12. Would be wonderful if we could google our memory

13. One generations excesses lead to another generation’s deprivations.

14. How can there be peace in the world when there is so much conflict in the homes

15. The world should be full of ‘Happily Divorced People’ as divorce seems to be the alternative to an ‘Unhappy’ marriage

16. Between the breath we take and the breath we will never take lies death

17. A contented heart and smiling face are better at defying age than anything in a tube, bottle or jar.

18. If words will result in hurt feelings, it is better to refrain from speaking

19. Its not about what you look at but what you see, it is not about the object but our perception of it

20.Like we spring clean our homes, once in a while we should spring clean our lives and rid it of bad habits

21. Would we appreciate blue skies if it wasn’t for grey ones

22. Why should a hurdle in the path be a deterrent and not a reason to jump higher till finally we can find our wings and soar high

23. Difficulties, setbacks and adversities probably come to teach us patience, fortitude and forbearance and not to disappoint, disillusion and discourage.

24. Everything that happens to us is to equip us to find our place in the grand design of things and finally fit into it.

25. Through art, writing, photography and other creative mediums, we pass on our vision of our world to those in the future, as those in the past have left their vision for us and for the future generations.

26 No occupation, hobby, relationship, addiction or even pain should become such an obsession that it blinds us to the gifts that life is continuously offering.

27.The purpose of life lies not in attaining distant goals in some unforeseeable future, but in living each day to the fullest in a way that is enriching for us and for others, by loving, learning, teaching, giving, caring, sharing and laughing as much as we can.

28. How many world leaders actually choose to lead their country out of an honest desire to serve it and its people and to improve their lot in life. Lets face it most world leaders are power and wealth hungry individuals who think leadership is the best way to attain all their selfish goals.

T29. he purpose of life of those who achieve the unachievable, is not just their personal achievement but also the inspiration it gives others to reach out for their own seemingly unattainable goals

30. Every so often take stock of life, remember where you were when you began and where you were going and then see how far you have come. You will realise a few things, either the destination you were heading towards has changed as you took a diversion for a while and forgot your way back , or then you passed it a long time back and you are moving on to bigger things, or that the goal is not one you wish to reach any more, or you were forced due to circumstances out of your hands to take another path. You will also realise that if you have not reached the destination you chose for yourself, the journey itself has been rewarding and you have managed to gather much treasure along the way; either in love, success, knowledge, enlightenment, friends or other things.

31. While taking stock of your life do not forget to take into account all the compensations that life and destiny have handed you for dreams left unfulfilled

32. Dream dreams, which are your own, which rise from your innermost being and its desires. Basing your dreams on the achievements of others will leave you feeling unfulfilled even after you realise them.

33. Everyone has some special gift,often we cannot see it as we are not looking for it

34.Injustice angers me, pain and agony I witness breaks my heart, environmental destruction does both

35. My heart breaks for wonderful people who are worth so much and yet think that money is the most important thing in life

36.Its time to stop wasting the resources of the earth and replace materialism with minimalism

37. Feed your need, not your greed

37. The capacity to love despite the faults of another is a great gift

38. Sometimes there is a defining moment in life that crystallizes the meaning of one’s entire existence

39. Life is so short, let’s ensure that we use it well, giving only happiness to others and are never responsible for another’s pain.

40. Nothing in life is more important than to cherish the moments spent with those we love

41. We can’t have everything, so we have to realise what is most important and aim for that. There is no perfect situation, so do not let go of any potential happiness waiting for things to be just right.

42. Art and Beauty need no language

43. People chase their dream of wealth and fame, spending not a single moment to reflect on the fact that if success, money and fame were the things we really needed, then why would so many performers die of overdose after reaching the zenith in their chosen field.

44. What wisdom’s lost when thoughts gallop with speed,
through the mind like untamed steeds.
Lasso your thoughts write them down,
or you may lose some wisdom profound

45. There is nothing I regret more than the missed chances of doing good
46. Don’t indulge the moment of pleasure that comes with a lifetime of regret
47. Movies, tv and computer games are insidious mind controlling devices

48. In a heart where rancour is kept alive, no joy or happiness can ever thrive

50. Loneliness is mankind’s greatest fear

51. If recognition of talent was left to families many a genius would die in anonymity

52. Those who thought the Spanish Inquisition was bad were never questioned by their teenagers

53. The world may think you’re an idol
but your teen will no doubt say
Yeah sure you are an idol
I can see your feet of clay

54. Peace based on harmony should be the goal of every society, which can be achieved by acceptance and respect of each other’s differences. Art, philosophy, literature, poetry, dance and music, reflect the zenith any civilization has reached. If any of these expressions are used to deride or mock another’s deepest beliefs under the guise of freedom of expression, it will only lead to total chaos.

55. how blind are we that we cant see
the anguished hearts within our midst
eyes full of barely veiled sorrow
that forced smiles can never reach
lonely souls appearing to draw
happy, contented fulfilled breaths
while in truth they are awaiting
grim yet liberating death

56. Cute is irresistible, so beware of cute things that may have a more devious design behind them

57. As fire engulfs and consumes whatever feeds it, so does anger engulf and consume the minds and heart it feeds upon.

58. True development would take into consideration the needs of every species we share the planet with and not just the increased profits of a few greedy and short-sighted individuals

59. Trees are the first casualty of any development

60. We do not desecrate the sanctity of Churches, temples and mosques that we build for God yet how easily and thoughtlessly we destroy, desecrate and defile the beauty and sanctity of the wonders that HE has built for us.

It is this World’s tragedy that voices of sense and reason have often been overpowered by sheer brute force

61.If we just pass or fill time then we invalidate the fact that there are a number of purposes for our existence. Find and fulfill the purposes for your being, to justify your presence here.

62. Our lives are not worth what we get but what we give and share, for that is all that remains behind, sometimes a long time after we are gone.

‎63. ‘Impossible’ is the result of the limitations of human knowledge, imagination and experience; for a God who says “Be” and It is, everything is in the realm of possibilities.

64. One of the reasons that unnecessarily complicates relationships is the false idea that if someone loves us they should sacrifice all their happiness, pleasure and even comfort to prove that love to us.

65. Observation at a shopping mall: “Constantly changing fashions are proof of the fickleness of the human race”.

66. People who think their worth is based solely on their purchasing power, grossly underrate themselves

67. We often bring about the very circumstances that realize our deepest fears.

68. We begin to identify ourselves with races, religions, ethnic groups, cultures, traditions as we grow and our perceptions and understanding of differences develop. At birth all of us are only human.

69. People may not understand each other’s language, even have differing interpretations of various gestures but no one can ever misunderstand the meaning of a genuine smile

70. This year began with the promise of great possibilities, which may not be realized, but it would be stupid to waste the beauty and happiness of the here and now, mourning over what could have been.

71. The pleasures of the present evaporate unnoticed like cool dew on fresh green grass, when we are trying to recapture the fragrance of yesterdays faded roses or dream about an unknown tomorrow veiled in mystery.

72. If only one of a number of paths leads to the truth, the real seeker will examine each of them minutely; to be closed minded or to reject any as impossible or false without giving them their due attention and thought might lead to the truth never being discovered.

73. We humans may have a hundred different names for ‘WATER’ in a hundred different languages, but we all drink it to quench our thirst.

74. How blithely we say “and that’s the truth!” When in reality the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth can be affirmed only after it has been examined from all perspectives, all its facets have been looked at and everything known about it has been delved into; even then there is often spacious room for human error.

75. People who cheat, lie and take advantage of me think I am a loser and a fool but I feel that I will really be a loser if I lose my innocence that makes me believe deeply in the basic goodness of people and become a hard cynic.

76. History and archaeology have amply proved to us, if ever there was any doubt, that successive generations of humans are only caretakers and trustees on Earth; one may have a million land deeds or deeds to millions of acres but in truth nothing on the earth truly belongs to anyone one. So lets concentrate on preservation and conservation and not on willful destruction based on short term profit making.

77. Envy and jealousy are born with one’s discontent with one’s own possessions, talents, and achievements; those who are happy with their lot in life, however little it may be and confident of who they are, never care how much anyone else has or achieves.

78. Man puts any price he thinks fit on what he builds or creates yet he thoughtlessly destroys without a twinge of regret or scruples the priceless creations of nature

79. Ignorance gives rise to distrust which births fear and finally hatred. Only true knowledge and understanding lead to acceptance and respect.

80. Fleeting though the present may be, it continues to please for a long time, when woven in the rich tapestry of memories

81. True freedom is freedom from wants as wants shackle the mind with chains of desires

82. If only one of a number of paths leads to the truth, the real seeker will examine each of them minutely; to be closed minded or to reject any as impossible or false without giving them their due attention and thought might lead to the truth never being discovered.

83. We humans may have a hundred different names for ‘WATER’ in a hundred different languages, but we all drink it to quench our thirst.

84. How blithely we say “and that’s the truth!” When in reality the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth, can be affirmed only after it has been examined from all perspectives, all its facets have been looked at and everything known about it has been delved into; even then there is often spacious room for human error.

85. Nothing on Creation is as arrogant as those whose ultimate earthly destiny is to be food for either worms or the fire.

86. Do good just for the sake of doing good, not for expectations of praise, gratitude or reciprocation, for those tarnish the act of doing good and if not met could spoil relations with the person who has been on the receiving end of your goodness.

87. If one good thing is coming to an end it doesn’t mean another is not waiting just around the corner to begin.

88. Walls, pillars and roofs house the body, while trees, rivers, mountains, lakes, valleys and all the wonders of nature house the soul. Lets be careful that in our quest for housing the bodies we do not make the souls homeless.

89. As man uses his limited foresight and imagination to reshape the Earth, replacing living green with dead greys, nature laughs because despite how strong and how high man builds a day comes when nature claims its own.

90. Don’t always seek company of others, sometimes seek the silence and solitude where you can listen to your inner voice, so you can get acquainted with your true self.

91. We are body and soul. The conflict that rages within us is the conflict between their different needs. The body is dazzled by what it can see and yearns for it, whereas the needs of the soul lie beyond the earth, in eternity and infinity. The body wishes to cram as much as it can into its limited existence, the soul knows all Eternity is waiting for it. Who should win, the perishable body or the immortal soul?

92. The kindness of friends, acquaintances and strangers, continues to touch me deeply and always reaffirms my faith in human nature when it is at its lowest.

93. The avarice I witness in the world, makes me appreciate even more deeply the millions of unknown people who upload books, lessons, advice, music, photographs, movies, etc, online, just for the satisfaction of sharing with others and for no expectations of any monetary consideration whatsoever

94. A good teacher knows that their true reward is the mind that blossoms and grows under their careful tutelage. Giving mercenary considerations priority, tarnishes and belittles their eminent calling.

95. For my many photographer friends: How fortunate the photographer, to spy moments of beauty and wonder and with a click be able to share them and preserve them forever, to see the smallest detail in their world ‘through the lens’ and to be able to share their perspective with the whole world.

96. A good friend will listen to your woes and sympathize a few times, but at one point they will wish you would let go and move on and they would be right, for life awaits to embrace us all with gifts we cannot begin to dream of, but we have to let go the pain, the disillusionment, the disappointments and move on to find them.

97. There are times in life when nothing of any great consequence is happening, either good or bad; These are the times of calm, times to rest and rejuvenate mind, body, heart and soul.

98. Time is not an enemy to be killed nor is it available to us in such great abundance that we pass it in frivolous pursuits. Time is valuable, because it is the most perishable and absolutely irreplaceable thing we know. it’s a wealth that cannot be saved and is running out moment by moment. The only way to utilise it to the best, is to make the maximum use of each moment.

99. Does anything make us realize the ephemeral nature of all things more than a flower that blooms briefly and dies.

100. In its short life a flower gives not just nectar but enriches our lives with its colour, fragrance and beauty,’
teaching us that it is not how long one lives that is important but how well.

101. When we enjoy the beauty of a newly blossomed flower we never give a thought to how soon it will fade and die, so
why can’t we enjoy each moment in life without the worry that it will pass.

102. The amounts the rich spend on self gratification could well feed, house, clothe and educate a million or more

103. Standard of living should only be improved till it is actually improving the quality of life anything beyond that
leads to decadence

104. Treat strangers well you have no idea what they may mean to you someday

105. Every interaction can be a learning and teaching experience

106. Each of us is a book, full of short stories, at least a couple of novels and some drama.

107. We are given friends so we can fly and relatives so we stay grounded

108. I would any day prefer to be the well thought out, perfectly planned and executed design of a Creator, with infinite oceans of knowledge and wisdom, rather than a chemical accident

109. Life takes us to places new, memories keep us pinned to the past.

110. If life is full of problems we have to be full of solutions.

111. When I was younger I wished I was a man, till I realised I was something so much better…. A Woman! Thank God!

112.In its short life the butterfly has drunk nectar from flowers, basked in the sunshine, flown free in the wind,glided on the soft breezes, pollinated flowers, added beauty to the world, and shown us that living and giving can all be done despite the shortness of life

113. Everyone has some special gift, often we cannot see it as we do not expect it.

114. Injustice angers me, pain and agony I witness, breaks my heart, environmental destruction does both.

115.My heart breaks for wonderful people who are worth so much and yet think that money is the most important thing in life

116. Its time to stop wasting the resources of the earth and replace materialism with minimalism

117. Feed your need, not your greed

118.The capacity to love despite the faults of another is a great gift

119. Sometimes there is a defining moment in life that crystallizes the meaning of one’s entire existence

120. Life is so short, let’s ensure that we use it well, giving only happiness to others and are never responsible for
another’s pain.

121. Nothing in life is more important than to cherish the moments spent with those we love

122. We can’t have everything, so we have to realise what is most important and aim for that. There is no perfect
situation, so do not let go of any potential happiness waiting for things to be just right.

123. Art and Beauty need no language

124. People chase their dream of wealth and fame, spending not a single moment to reflect on the fact that if success,
money and fame were the things we really needed, then why would so many performers die of overdose after reaching
the zenith in their chosen field.

125. What wisdom’s lost when thoughts gallop with speed,
through the mind like untamed steeds.
Lasso your thoughts write them down,
or you may lose some wisdom profound

126. There is nothing I regret more than the missed chances of doing good

126. Don’t indulge the moment of pleasure that comes with a lifetime of regret
127. Movies, tv and computer games are insidious mind controlling devices

128. In a heart where rancour is kept alive, no joy or happiness can ever thrive

129. Loneliness is mankind’s greatest fear
130. If recognition of talent was left to

families many a genius would die in anonymity

131. hose who thought the Spanish Inquisition was bad were never questioned by their teenagers

132.The world may think you’re an idol
but your teen will no doubt say
Yeah sure you are an idol
I can see your feet of clay

133. Peace based on harmony should be the goal of every society, which can be achieved by acceptance and respect of each other’s differences. Art, philosophy, literature, poetry, dance and music, reflect the zenith any civilization has reached. If any of these expressions are used to deride or mock another’s deepest beliefs under the guise of freedom of expression, it will only lead to total chaos.

134. Cute is irresistible, so beware of cute things that may have a more devious design behind them

135. As fire engulfs and consumes whatever feeds it, so does anger engulf and consume the minds and heart it feel

136. True development would take into consideration the needs of every species we share the planet with and not just
the increased profits of a few greedy and short-sighted individuals

137. Trees are the first casualty of any development

138. We do not desecrate the sanctity of Churches, temples and mosques that we build for God yet how easily and
thoughtlessly we destroy, desecrate and defile the beauty and sanctity of the wonders that HE has built for us.

139. It is this World’s tragedy that voices of sense and reason have often been overpowered by sheer brute force.

140. If we just pass or fill time then we invalidate the fact that there are a number of purposes for our existence.
Find and fulfill the purposes for your being, to justify your presence here.

141. Throughout history, tyrants have been able to not just perpetrate horrible crimes on humanity under the garb of righteousness, but also incite others who were blind to their hypocrisy, to follow, aid and abet them.

142. Only forgiveness frees the mind heart and soul from the fetters of pain inflicted by others.

143 Fears change with age.

145. Mother nature makes wonders
Human beings make blunders

146. Actions have more than reactions, they have chain reactions, they have repercussions which can reverberate
sometimes for centuries affecting generations.

147. if life has a purpose then that purpose is certainly not to wallow in the unhappiness of my circumstances but to
rise above them.

148. Few things are as dangerous as half truths.

149. Peer pressure exerted by youngsters, with limited exposure to the world outside their immediate world, which is
related to dress, books, music, television, behaviour and even who to choose as friends, has to be one of the
most dangerous and repressive elements of modern society.

When a sculptor looks at a rock he only sees his own vision so he hammers and chisels away till he finds it and so are many things in life, we have to hammer and chisel away till we find what we seek.

Through art, writing, photography and other creative mediums, we pass on our vision of our world to those in the future, as those in the past have left their vision for us and for the future generations.

Its not about what you look at but what you see, it is not about the object but our perception of it.

Throughout the history of man, tyrants have perpetrated horrible crimes on humanity, under the garb of righteousness.

How many world leaders actually choose to lead their country out of an honest desire to serve it and its people and to improve their lot in life. Lets face it, most world leaders are power and wealth hungry individuals who think leadership is the best way to attain all their selfish goals.

Difficulties, setbacks and adversities probably come to teach us patience, fortitude and forbearance and not to disappoint, disillusion and discourage.

Why should a hurdle in the path be a deterrent and not a reason to jump higher till finally we can find our wings and soar high

Everything that happens to us is to equip us to find our place in the grand design of things and finally fit into it.

Would we appreciate blue skies if it wasn’t for grey ones

No occupation, hobby, relationship, addiction or even pain should become such an obsession that it blinds us to the gifts that life is continuously offerin

A grateful heart is a content heart.

If the God who has taken care of our minutest needs, has kept that which we desire beyond our reach, then He must have a good reason for it.

How often it is, that while we fervently pray for all we wish for, we forget to add a few words of gratitude for all we already have

Do not limit your expectations of your future according to your present circumstances as Destiny has a way of taking you to places beyond your boldest

Healing of the mind, heart and soul is not possible without forgiveness

What worth is the remorse that is not accompanied or followed by reparation

Before you raise your hand to strike your enemy remember, the God you worship has creat

Should we ‘Tolerate’ those who are different from us or should we understand, accept and respect them? Let’s celebrate our differences.

The future is not far in the distance but lies in the moment next to this & the gap between moments allows no time for procrastination

Travel, see places, meet people, expand your mind, for in the University of Life travel is your best teacher.

Parents do not depend only on schools to teach your child but take an active part in their education.Teach them, learn & grow with them.

Education and Learning that cages minds within the thoughts and words of others inhibits thinking and growth. True learning liberates minds.

Kindle & nurture a thirst for knowledge till it is insatiable and spend your days in a quest for learning to quench this thirst.

it is a great tragedy of our times that seekers and providers of all levels of education are mainly motivated by financial gain.

If a system of education fails to arouse and nurture wonder in children then it is a failed system and should be discarded.

Use time well it is invaluable & fleeting We do not have it in abundance to waste it or pass it fruitlessly nor is it an enemy we must kill.

Most people may seem ordinary but have accomplished things that have amazed them and others through their lives.

Life is not too short to worry about what happened yesterday. Its the lessons of yesterday which will shape a better today and tomorrow.

Knowledge is an ocean so vast that most of us during our lifetimes will barely be able to drink a drop or two.

Do not learn simply to earn. Seek education that will contribute towards your overall growth and development.

Progress that claims nature as its 1st casualty leaving no room even for regression, is not progress but degeneration.

True development would include the needs of every species we share the planet with and not just those of a few greedy individuals.

Go with the flow, it has the potential to take you to places you have not dreamed about.

Life usually writes more between the lines than on them and we are usually in too much of a hurry to read everything.

Every moment in ‘Your Now’ is becoming ‘Your Past’ with each breath you take. Time slips away all too fast, do not procrastinate. Carpe Diem

Sometimes there is a defining moment in life that crystallizes the meaning of one’s entire existence.

When seeking the truth be prepared that it might be far greater and quite different to what you expect it to be.

If you wish to be a giant among men eliminate the smallness from your thoughts.

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